Morpholine Knowledge Bufotalin


Structural formula of bufotal

Structural formula

Business number 050W
Molecular formula C26H36O6
Molecular weight 444.57


Toad’s spirit,


3b,14,16b-Trihydroxy-5b-bufa-20,22-dienolide 16-acetate

Numbering system

CAS number:471-95-4

MDL number:None

EINECS number:None

RTECS number:None

BRN number:None

PubChem ID:None

Physical property data

1. Character:Undetermined

2. Density (g/ m3,25/4): Undetermined

3. Relative vapor density (g/cm3,AIR=1): Undetermined

4. Melting point (ºC): Undetermined

5. Boiling point (ºC,Normal pressure): Undetermined

6. Boiling point (ºC,5.2kPa): Undetermined

7. Refractive Index: Undetermined

8. Flash Point (ºF): Undetermined

9. Specific optical rotation (º): Undetermined

10. Autoignition point or ignition temperature (ºC): Undetermined

11. Vapor pressure (kPa,25ºC): Undetermined5. Number of tautomers:

6. Topological molecules Polar surface area (TPSA):93.1

7. Heavy Atom Quantity: 32

8. Surface Charge :0

9. Complexity :878

10. Isotope atomic number:0

11. Determine the number of atomic stereocenters:0

12. Uncertain number of atomic stereocenters:9

13. Determine the number of stereocenters of chemical bonds:0

14. Uncertain number of chemical bond stereocenters:0

15. Number of covalent bond units: 1

Properties and stability

Use and store according to specifications, no decomposition will occur, and avoid contact with oxides

Storage method

Save in a sealed manner and place it in a ventilated and dry place to avoid contact with other oxides.

Synthesis method

None yet


None yet

al”>Determine the number of atomic stereocenters:0

12. Uncertain number of atomic stereocenters:9

13. Determine the number of stereocenters of chemical bonds:0

14. Uncertain number of chemical bond stereocenters:0

15. Number of covalent bond units: 1

Properties and stability

Use and store according to specifications, no decomposition will occur, and avoid contact with oxides

Storage method

Save in a sealed manner and place it in a ventilated and dry place to avoid contact with other oxides.

Synthesis method

None yet


None yet

This article is from the internet and does not represent Morpholine position. Please indicate the source when reprinting.


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